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  • Counselling Services
  • Marriage Preparation
  • Schools Programme
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Abusive relationships
In recent years abusive or toxic relationship issues have been raised more frequently in the secondary schools’ programme.
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Confidentiality and child safety
A teacher is always present with the Facilitator when the programmes are being delivered.
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From Transition year onwards we use the Cup of Tea video to facilitate a discussion as to why initiating sex...
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Social media and online activities
Pupils are encouraged to be kind to others online and to ask themselves what effect something they post is likely...
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ACCORD Dublin’s RSE programme works with young people to help them to identify what spirituality means to them and how...
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Wedding Mass Content
The Celebration of Marriage Cermony Including Mass
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The Beauty of Marriage
Some people say that marriage has gone out of style and that these days aren’t the right time to undertake...
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Why prepare for Marriage?
Preparation for your marriage started long before booking this Marriage Preparation Programme.
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Keeping your relationship strong when a child is sick or has special needs
What emotions are experienced when a couple is faced with a diagnosis of a chronically sick child or a child...