Special Purpose Award in Marriage Education

The Marriage Education training programme is validated by Pontifical University, St Patrick’s College Maynooth. This is a Special Purpose award and is designed specifically for the training of facilitators to deliver marriage preparation programmes on behalf of ACCORD Catholic Marriage Care Service.


Applicants who meet the criteria are invited to attend a one-day Selection Conference.

Time Commitment

Training :

  • Seven days training delivered over 7 months – 1 day per month.
  • Gain practical marriage preparation programme delivery experience by shadowing with the local Accord Team
  • The training course finishes with a personal day of reflection 
  • Following successful completion of the course, delivery of four Marriage Preparation Courses per year


Trainees will be evaluated by continuous assessment throughout the training process.

Role of the Facilitator

The role of the facilitator with Accord is to assist couples who are preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage in the Catholic Church through delivering a programme comprising the following themes; laying strong foundations, family of origin, couple conversations, sexuality and intimacy, trust and commitment, choosing the Sacrament of Marriage, working with conflict and relationship well-being and family.  The role of the facilitator is not that of a therapist or counsellor.

A commitment of 3 years is required following Graduation and Training.

ACCORD is an organisation which has built on the talent and wisdom of people attending marriage preparation programmes and those involved in facilitating them.

The motivation to become a facilitator is very individual. Some people volunteer in order to meet more interesting people, to add new skills, or simply to help other couples by sharing their own experiences of married life.

If you’re interested in becoming a facilitator please contact us on marriagepreparation@accord.ie